Ruoyun Sheng.

Product Designer, Storyteller

My passion lies in crafting inclusive and resonant experiences through human-centered design and various media. I use design as a powerful tool to tackle problems with accessible solutions, bridge gaps between humans and technology, and communicate with the world.

I believe designers have a responsibility to discover voices from marginalized groups, dedicating myself to thinking critically and developing more empathic solutions that include and respect diversity.

I recently graduated from New York University with a Master of Science degree in Integrated Design and Media.

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn / Email.

Education & Experience

UX/UI Designer
Guangzhou Shiwei Technology, 2023

UX Design and Research Intern
Auria Solutions, 2022

Graphic Designer & Media Producer
Northeastern University, 2020
New York University
MS in Integrated Design & Media, 2024
HCI/UX/UI Design

Goolge UX Design
Coursera Certificate, 2023

Northeastern University
BFA in Media Arts. 2021
Media Arts & Film Production

My Skill Set

User Experience Design                            
User Interface Design
Interaction Design
Product Design
Visual Design
Brand Identity
Design systems
Adobe Creative Suite                                        